Hervey Bay WorkCover Fraud Investigator
A Hervey Bay WorkCover investigator, Hervey Bay Workers Compensation fraud investigator, Hervey Bay WorkCover fraud investigator service; Hervey Bay private investigation requires a Qld licensed, experienced, private investigator; phone 1300 966 103, TEXT ONLY to 0427 703 120, email us at [email protected], or 24/7 online form Contact Us, free quotes.
Workers Compensation insurance is a general requirement of employing people, in Queensland. Many choose the Worksafe Qld Government Workcover Queensland insurance. We investigate Workcover fraud suspicion, Workers Compensation fraud suspicion, where the insurer won't act, or the insured requires evidence. This Workcover fraud evidence is protecting the Hervey Bay employer, the business, reducing liability, and may prompt the insurer to act.
We conduct lawful investigations, both factual, and WorkCover surveillance investigations. We have over 30 years investigating experience. We are a Hervey Bay WorkCover investigator, Hervey Bay WorkCover fraud investigator, Hervey Bay Workers Compensation investigator, conducting Hervey Bay Workers Compensation investigations, including Workers Compensation surveillance investigations, service. Ex-Police and experienced investigators.
A Worker Compensation fraud suspicion investigation is about giving some power, some control, back to the employer, the business. Once a claim is accepted the workers compensation insurance provider enters their rehabilitation coordinator phase with the injured worker as the focus. The employer hires a Workers Compensation claim fraud investigator, to establish a reasonable suspicion of deception, fraud.
The onus is on the employer to establish the Workcover fraud, to substantiate the suspicion, with evidence. The objective is the protection of the Hervey Bay employer, the business, the reduction of the insurance liability, and ultimately engagement with the insurance fraud section where evidence can move their position.
A Hervey Bay Workers Compensation fraud suspicion investigation is a private investigation, to gather evidence of Workers Compensation fraud, for the employer, the business. This is to elevate the level of suspicion to the 'reasonable suspicion' standard the insurance company requires. A reasonable suspicion requires evidence. For the employer this is about protecting the business against future insurance liability, and possibly moving the insurance provider to commence further actions, investigations.
We are here to investigate suspected fraud, the person playing the system, to gather evidence. The insurer generally cannot act, once a claim is accepted, without evidence. Use an experienced Hervey Bay WorkCover investigator, Hervey Bay WorkCover fraud investigator, Hervey Bay Workers Compensation fraud investigator, Hervey Bay private investigator, private detective, private investigation and surveillance service, call us.