WorkCover Investigator Gold Coast
A Gold Coast WorkCover investigator, a Gold Coast Workers Compensation investigator is a Qld licensed, or dual Qld and NSW licensed, private investigator. Phone 1300 966 103, TEXT ONLY to 0427 703 120, email [email protected], or for 24/7 inquiries, Contact Us, free quotes. We are licensed, experienced, discreet, investigators.
Workers Compensation insurance is a general requirement of employing people, in Queensland. Many choose the Worksafe Qld Government Workcover Queensland insurance. We investigate Workcover fraud suspicion, where the insurer won't act. This Workcover fraud evidence is protecting the employer, and may prompt the insurer to act.
We are contacted when there is a suspicion of fraud, and the insurer will not engage, and investigate. This is a quirk of legislation, for Workers Compensation insurance. Once a claim is accepted the insurer is basically a rehabilitation coordinator. The doctor can only rely on the information supplied by the patient, when stating their capacity, generally.
Without evidence all power rests with the claimant. We are the method by which evidence of fraud, of WorkCover fraud, may be obtained. Using a Gold Coast WorkCover investigator, Gold Coast Workers Compensation investigator, service is legal. The evidence is lawfully obtained, and can be used for court.
A Worker Compensation fraud suspicion investigation is about giving some power, some control, back to the Gold Coast employer, the business. Once a claim is accepted the workers compensation insurance provider enters their rehabilitation coordinator phase with the injured worker as the focus. The onus is on the employer to establish the Workcover fraud, to get the evidence. The objective is the protection of the employer, the business, the reduction of the insurance liability, and ultimately engagement with the insurance fraud section where evidence can move their position.
A Gold Coast Workcover fraud suspicion investigation is a private investigation, to gather evidence of Workers Compensation fraud, for the employer, the business. This is to elevate the level of suspicion to the 'reasonable suspicion' standard the insurance company requires. A reasonable suspicion requires evidence. For the employer this is about protecting the business against future insurance liability, and possibly moving the insurance provider to commence further actions, investigations.
With evidence you can approach the fraud investigation section of the insurer, and prompt them to make further inquiries. The wording of the insurance legislation means that they can only investigate where there is evidence of fraud. Most will not accept social media posts, without other evidence. Do not discard social media, make sure you take a copy of anything, as it is supporting evidence.
A WorkCover claim, a Workers Compensation claim, a serious claim, has two costs; the first cost is associated with the person being off work, and payments to support, and rehabilitate them; the second costs are associated with the civil claim that follows a serious claim. These costs are all passed onto the employer, the Gold Coast business, and can be crippling.
Most claims are honest. You will see that the worker was injured at work, you will see them recovering, you will see them engaging in return to work activities. These are not the ones that will come to us. We investigate the suspected fraud, the dodgy worker, the person not engaging, doctor shopping, or with the morphing injury.
These are the ones we gather evidence, in relation to their claims. We have many years experience in this field. Our operatives include licensed private investigators with a variety of backgrounds, including ex-police. We investigate, gather evidence, and report to the client. We are the WorkCover investigator Gold Coast private investigator service.