Sydney Insurance Investigators
Sydney insurance investigator, Sydney insurance investigators, Sydney insurance investigation, insurance claims investigated, phone 1300 966 103, free quotes. Ex-Police and experienced investigators, when you require a claim investigated.
Insurance investigation, insurance claim investigation, is done by either an insurance company employee, or a private investigator. Often the insurance investigator is a private investigator, and the overall supervisor of the claim investigation is the claims officer, for the insured. Claims are investigated privately, where suspicions arise. You can email us at [email protected], or for 24/7 inquiries go to Contact Us.
A private investigator is also used to investigate for the claimant, to establish circumstances and background. Often they are employed through the solicitor, for matters such as traffic accident investigation, third party, or public liability claims. The private investigator cannot work for both sides of a particular claim.
Factual investigation, circumstance investigations, are the overt acts of investigating, talking to people, viewing and recording scenes, taking affidavits and conducting interviews. We are experienced in this form of insurance investigation.
Private investigator surveillance is also used by a Sydney insurance investigator, Sydney insurance investigators, as part of investigating a claim, or a claimed restriction. It can include surveillance searching for property that needs to be located. It is used to compare real life restrictions displayed by a claimant against their claimed restrictions. This is relevant to a workers compensation claim, third party, or public liability claim.
There are many triggers for a claim investigation. These include the size of the claim, the nature of the claim, the financial situation of the claimant, the history of claims or the claimant, anything unusual about a claim, or profiling of the claim.
When you require an insurance claim investigated, if you suspect fraud, a false statement, or have other suspicions, we are a Sydney insurance investigator, Sydney insurance investigators, Sydney insurance investigation service, including Sydney WorkCover investigator services. Contact us for a free quote.