Fraud is a criminal offence. Workcover fraud is offensive. Where fraud is suspected, phone 1300 966 103, email [email protected], or for 24/7 inquiries Contact Us, free quotes. We are licensed, experienced, qualified, private investigators, private detectives.
A WorkCover investigation, a workplace injury claim investigation, Workers Compensation claim investigation, a WorkCover insurance claim investigation, by a WorkCover investigator, is generally divided into WorkCover surveillance, or factual investigation; a licensed private investigator is utilised to investigate, as a private investigation.
The employer can lawfully investigate Workcover fraud suspicion, to protect the business from an exaggerated claim, a masked recovery, deception, fraud, by an employee, an injured worker. We are a licensed private investigator service. We investigate suspicion, gather evidence, and report to the client. This is legal.
WorkCover fraud investigations, Workers Compensation fraud investigations, insurance fraud investigations, are undertaken where fraud is suspected, and evidence is required for a court case, where an incident has occurred and there is a requirement to document the memories (written evidence as affidavits), cause a physical examination of items, record an incident scene, or where Workers Compensation claim exposure, workplace injury claim exposure, is large, as part of the due diligence.
Suspicion may arise at the start, during the course of recovery where expected improvements fail to materialise, or as a result of information received. It can also be that a claim is lodged, of which the employer was not aware. Not all claims are fraudulent, but those that are a cost to the business. Where you are suspicious, use our WorkCover private investigator. private investigation, service.
There are three components, costs, associated with a WorkCover claim, a Workers Compensation claim. The first is the short term cost related to the injury, and time off work, which can be further divided into lost productivity for the workplace, and the actual income support for the worker. Second is the cost of investigation, documentation, and replacing the injured worker.
The third arm is the long term cost of any civil claim associated with the WorkCover claim. The third arm may not become apparent until years after the event. There may be other issues such as a Department investigation, a Union action, or damaged equipment or product. These costs impact the profit margin, and the cost of insurance, for years to come.
The WorkCover fraud investigator, the workplace injury claim investigator, a WorkCover private investigator's role is as an investigator, an observer, a locator and a recorder of evidence, for later production to a court. Where something isn't right a WorkCover fraud investigation, a Workers Compensation fraud investigation, a workplace injury claim investigation, an employee investigation, to investigate a worker and their claim, by a private investigator, may be warranted. We investigate WorkCover fraud suspicions, where something isn't right, where fraud is suspected.
When you suspect fraud, you may find that the insurer will not engage, and investigate. Once a claim is accepted you are often talking with an insurance representative akin to a rehabilitation coordinator, whose focus is the injured worker. If you suspect fraud, suspect WorkCover fraud, then you need to act, as the employer, to 'prove' what you suspect, use a private WorkCover investigation, a private investigation, to protect your own interests; submission of sufficient evidence can usually prompt the insurer to move from rehabilitation, to investigation.
Workers Compensation surveillance, WorkCover surveillance, is generally undertaken to compare claimed restrictions with the real world restrictions displayed by the claimant. The evidence, in the form of a surveillance journal and supporting stills or video evidence, can be used for negotiation, to prompt action by the Department, or for a future court case, where the degree of disability of the claimant is argued. We are an experienced WorkCover investigator, private investigator, service.
A factual investigation is about locating witnesses, conducting interviews, taking affidavits, and preparing briefs. It is best to record affidavits relatively soon after the event, when memories are fresh. This cannot, or does not, always happen, especially where an employer is blind sided by a claim, not realising the intent of the claimant. For some the claim will continue, despite Workers Compensation Insurance, or WorkCover, declining to accept their claim.
Where a claim is accepted the focus of the insurer becomes the injured party, and their return to work, not the insurer. This is why a Workers Compensation private investigator, private Workers Compensation investigations, a Workers Comp investigator, a WorkCover investigator, is used. Factual investigations, good documentation, and procedures, assist in avoiding excessive exposure. These are best done close to the time of the incident.
There are many indicators of fraud in this area, Workers Compensation fraud, workplace injury claim fraud. It may be an employee who is aware that the contract is coming to an end, or that their role is being reviewed, that decides to claim for something that is illogical, or you are aware is highly probably an exaggeration. Some workplaces have a culture of claiming, especially by seasonal workers, or contract workers.
It may be the person who has made a claim, but word comes back about them starting their own business, or doing cash jobs. There are classic cases like a person claiming disability who traveled the world, competing in surfing events, whilst on WorkCover, Workers Compensation, Safework, ComCare, ICare support. There are many other examples.
There are times when you become aware of a history that was not revealed when a person gained employment, and an Australian background check is required. We can assist with this. We are experienced WorkCover investigations, including in WorkCover mental injury surveillance. As a private investigator service we investigate for you.
Private Investigator Australia is here, ready to assist, when you have a WorkCover claim, a Workers Compensation claim, a public liability claim, that you suspect is fraudulent. We are experienced, and can arrange for an investigation, including surveillance, to assist in the verification of the claim, the claimed restrictions.
Don't let the burden of WorkCover fraud, Workers Compensation fraud, insurance claim fraud, drag down your business; a private WorkCover investigation is required, to show that there is something wrong, to prompt action, to protect the business.
Our services are used by both the self insured and the government insured. If you believe there is a scam, a fraud, need to confirm a claim, or investigate an incident, call us for a free quote. We are experienced in WorkCover investigations, Workers Compensation investigations, workplace injury claim investigations, private investigations.
When a WorkCover investigator, a WorkCover private investigator, a workplace injury claim investigator, is required to investigate, contact us. We provide investigation services for the self insured, and Government insured. Our investigators are experienced, and include ex-Police, we are part of the private investigator Australia network.
The objective of a Workcover fraud suspicion investigation is to gather evidence of Workcover fraud, to protect the employer, the business, and reduce future insurance liability. This evidence can be presented to the insurance fraud section to confirm Workcover fraud, Workers Compensation fraud, allegations. Once a claim is accepted you require more than just a suspicion, before the insurance provider can act.