Mackay Child Custody Investigator
Mackay child custody investigator, Mackay child access investigator, Mackay child welfare investigations, parental access to, or custody of, children investigations, to investigate, and gather evidence, to prepare for court, phone 1300 966 103, email us at [email protected], or 24/7 online Contact Us, free quotes.
We investigate, and gather evidence, where there is a Federal Circuit and Family Court action, a Family Law action, for child custody, child access or child welfare; the court hears many allegations, and counter allegations, however, even if they are true, in a disputed hearing, without evidence, the court can give them no weight.
A Mackay private investigator, private investigation, is used to search for, and collect evidence of risk to children, of threats, of breaches, of the real situation being different to that told to the court. This is especially true for a contested hearing, child custody application evidence gathering, a child access evidence gathering is crucial, however it is applicable to all Court matters.
A child custody investigation, a custody battle, usually involves private investigator surveillance; child access disputes also usually involves surveillance, private investigator surveillance, which is legal. The evidence obtained can be used for court. The objective is not to intrude, but to gather evidence of the real state of things, because Court hears many allegations, you need supporting evidence. Without evidence the truth is just an allegation. When you need to investigate, to gather evidence, a child access investigator, experienced investigators, call us.
Where you have firm evidence of abuse, welfare issues, or risk to children, contact the Police, and Government child welfare services. Where you need evidence, where they can't, or won't, act, contact us. We are a Mackay child custody investigator, Mackay child access investigator, Mackay child welfare investigator, investigation service. We gather evidence about the risks, welfare issues, and compliance with Court orders, relating to children.
A Mackay child custody investigator, Mackay child access investigator, Mackay child welfare investigator, is an experienced, Queensland licensed, Mackay private investigator. We investigate, gather evidence, document real world occurrences, and report to you. It is about evidence, what can be proved, for the private investigator. It is about what can be proved, and the rights of the child, the welfare of the children, for the Court.
Often, early in an investigation, when preparing an initial application for custody, or access, we are tasked to gather affidavits, in the correct format. Later in the investigation we may also be requested to investigate, using private investigator surveillance, to document risks and breaches, such as drug use and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, abuse of children, failure to supervise children.
It may be the handing off of children to others when they are supposed to be in the care of a parent (e.g. passing to grandparents, or friends, for full visit), exposure to a person who is not approved, taking a child or children to a place that is inappropriate, not living where a person states they are, being in a relationship that they deny, a failure to supervise a visit as required, or many other issues. Evidence is crucial to a contested hearing.